Looking for a Good Place to Sleep?

Whether you're planning to spend a night or two or even seven in town, the Freeland City Guide to Lodging will help you locate the best accomodations for your needs. Although we don't list some of the more important information you will need - like price, availablity and if pet llamas are allowed - we do provide you with short but insightful reviews of [almost] every hotel, motel or B&B.

Most newer hotels provide the visitor with a downloadable souvenir version - however, some of the older establishments in town - especially those built for the 2001 World's Fair - require that you visit simcity.com for the souvenir download. The listing on the right should help give an overview of the current availability status. Sorry for any inconveniences.

So have fun and enjoy your stay in Freeland. If you have any questions, please inquire at the information desk at a Freeland Visitors Center near you.

City Limits
Freeland City Guide: Lodging
Freeland City Guide

Looking for a Good Place to Sleep?

Whether you're planning to spend a night or two or even seven in town, the Freeland City Guide to Lodging will help you locate the best accomodations for your needs. Although we don't list some of the more important information you will need - like price, availablity and if pet llamas are allowed - we do provide you with short but insightful reviews of [almost] every hotel, motel or B&B.

Most newer hotels provide the visitor with a downloadable souvenir version - however, some of the older establishments in town - especially those built for the 2001 World's Fair - require that you visit simcity.com for the souvenir download. The listing on the right should help give an overview of the current availability status. Sorry for any inconveniences.

So have fun and enjoy your stay in Freeland. If you have any questions, please inquire at the information desk at a Freeland Visitors Center near you.
