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January 28, 2002

Just one month after moving to Freeland, noted Dutch Craftsman, Vanderaap, has opened the doors of his new business to the public. Located in the Erwtensoep District, his Classical Houses and Vehicle Restoration shop expects to draw lots of customers from all over the city and beyond because of its wide range of offerings and the obvious skill and heart which has gone into each item in the inventory. Much like the business created by VMM, this place is a one stop shopping mecca - everything from buses to windows to fences and paints are available at very reasonable prices. (While you're there, be sure to ask for a tour of the back room where he keeps his award-winning Lego collection - you'll see where he honed his exceptional skills.)

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January 28, 2002

Just one month after moving to Freeland, noted Dutch Craftsman, Vanderaap, has opened the doors of his new business to the public. Located in the Erwtensoep District, his Classical Houses and Vehicle Restoration shop expects to draw lots of customers from all over the city and beyond because of its wide range of offerings and the obvious skill and heart which has gone into each item in the inventory. Much like the business created by VMM, this place is a one stop shopping mecca - everything from buses to windows to fences and paints are available at very reasonable prices. (While you're there, be sure to ask for a tour of the back room where he keeps his award-winning Lego collection - you'll see where he honed his exceptional skills.)

[c] 2000-2002 Freeland City Globe
Classic Houses &
Vehicle Restoration