City Limits
Freeland City Globe News Archives  |  November 2002

Freeland RealBuys  >  11/29
Three New Real items are available at our Real store - a Package of Seasonal Greeting Cards - with a Freeland Twist, Postcards from the Village of Bappingedam and a Wild Freeland Calendar Print. Hurry in Today and get your Holiday Shopping done before it's too late. Someone you know - maybe yourself - will be very disappointed if they don't find a Gen-u-ine Freeland Souvenir under their tree!

Mayor For A Day: Berserk666 > 11/29
The City of Freeland will be run by Berserk666 today [see story below] - our first Mayor For A Day. Fredfree will be forced to do all of his holiday gift-buying on this all important shopping day, without his usual clout to help him out - in other words, no deep discounts. For those of you who are afraid to leave your houses because of the rumors surrounding our temporary leader [which the Globe may have started], the honorary mayor does have some experience at this - his City of Berserkville is in the top ten of most downloaded cities at Maxis [although we suspect foul play]. Around Freeland, of course berserk666 is mostly known for his high-quality 3D items found in many of our CoC businesses as well as his own sc3urk and defense operations. He is also in charge of the Freeland Maxscot International Airport, so considering we haven't had too many mishaps there, the city itself should be fairly safe for a mere 24 hours....right?

Freeland City Guide: Nursery Park  >  11/29
Today's Freeland Point of Interest is called Nursery Park - it's a little spot in the heart of Beacon Point not far from KFRE radio and the Freeland Requests Service - our previous stops. The oasis is not only a casual park frequented by students and residents alike, but a small functioning nursery as well. This Halloween it also drew hundreds to watch the annual "show" at the nearby 3110 Stevens Street house.

Bubba & Clyde's  >  11/29
The future is now. Comco77 hasn't taken over Bubba & Clyde's - berserk666 has. The Mayor For A Day has driven in three unusual, but slick trucks from the future. These shiny big rigs contain some unknown cargo, including what looks to be a load of toxic waste - or pea soup - in one and some sort of caged dinotopic experiment in another. We're not sure what the 24 hour Mayor is up to, but if you want to see for yourself and have the guts, get down to Bubba & Clyde's before it's too late.

Mayor For A Day Update  >  11/26
Because of his ability to be in the right place at the right time last Friday - 4AM to be exact, Berserk666 managed to be the 100,000th visitor here at our Freeland Homestead. For his luck and his subsequent effort in sending us the screenshot of the big event, he will become our first "Mayor For a Day" this Friday. So stay tuned to see what happens around here - we're not quite sure ourselves, but since this day in the USA is typically called "Black Friday", we're preparing accordingly - meanwhile, look for the chance to become Mayor For A Day again soon.

Freeland Nurseries  >  11/26
Freeland Nurseries has a brand new website and is rolling out some oldies but goodies to help commemorate the occasion - the twelve tile landmark reproduction of the nurseries themselves is back and  the original SimPark Tree and Shrubbery Collection that started it all - never before available at Freeland. But that's not all - Beezer Growers has donated all of its extensive Flealand Flora to the wider of audience of the Nurseries - these include numerous exotic trees and an array of colorful flowers. Lastly, there are some brand new flowers and windowboxes and some long lost SimTown Topiaries as well.

Walter's Windowrama  >  11/26
A couple of new Dutch sets are ready at Walter's - finally. Rumor has it that they were on the boat for months, so you may need to grab some extra glass cleaner on the way home from the 'rama.

Freeland City Guide: 2 Local Landmarks  >  11/26
The FCG is now expanding to cover "special" places of all kind in the city of Freeland. The first listings are two places of special note to locals: KFRE Studios [home of DJMax] and the old Freeland Requests Service Building - situated next to each other in the Beacon Point District. If you know of a local landmark within the Freeland City Limits that you believe should be included in the Guide, please drop us a line

SimWorld News: Gothia Contests  >  11/26
Be sure to check out the two contests currently going on over at Gothia - Make the best Taco Prop [you read correctly] and/or the most interesting-looking city using a package of 12 donated landmarks and take home a wad of cash [you read correctly again].

Bappingedam Village >  11/20
The Vischmarkt and Nord sections of Bappingedam Village have grown again - many new projects to view and download.

Freeland City Guide: Restaurants  >  11/20
The Erwtensoep Cafe has been added to the list of restaurants. If you are looking for a great soup spot, this is it. Thanks to vanderaap for the addition.

Freeland RealBuys  >  11/19
The Freeland Visitors Center has finally opened a little souvenir store for all of those Freeland trinkets you just have to have. Many businesses from around the city have donated items like the beer stein from Murphy's Pub and the clock from Comco77 - there are also t-shirts from AcmeArt and the Museum of Architecture, a tote bag from the CoC and many more unique items brought to you by and Freeland. Be sure to head over there today and catch a Macadam High Flying Disc while supplies last!

Makkinen's Design Studio  >  11/19
The latest building from the Studio: The future of Train Stations arrives in the form of a dynamic see-through glass structure.

Freeland Redevelopment Projects Inc.  >  11/18
FRPI now has a new address as well as it's first two completed renovation projects - a couple of fine houses. With three projects on the boards, Ian [the head of FRPI] has plenty of work for the moment, but can always use more, so while you're there don't forget to send in your own project for redevelopment and see what he can come up with.

Ntropolis' Buildings  >  11/18
New details are up: a set from Ntrop's recent Burger King project and a green tinted series for that traditional house look.

Makkinen's Design Studio  >  11/18
The Sheringham Towers Building [NW part 1] is now up at Makk's Studio: part of a new theme in sustainable architecture & urban patterns. More to come both at MDS and at the FMoA. Also: Makk has donated a special out of this world "Flymobile" to the Comco77 Futurists Club - check it out here.

Freeland Portrait Studios  >  11/14
Stop in today and see who hangs out in Freeland - or at least the first seven people to take the plunge. Starbryte has started a portrait studios to display the real life versions of our sim selves. If you would like to add to the gallery and show who you really are to the whole SimWorld, please send in your photo - don't be shy! 

Makkinen's Design Studio  >  11/14
Makk has come up with a present to commemorate the one year anniversary of the Comco77 Futurists Club - a wild ride of a building called "Futurama Mansions". It has many unique features including landing pads for your Hovercars - now available as props in the Motor Show section. New links have also been added there.

Bappingedam Village  >  11/14
The latest version of the village map is available and once again, many new buildings by a number of talented designers - these can be found in the north and west sections of town.

Comco77 Corporation  >  11/08
To mark the one year anniversary of the Futurists Club at Comco77, a landmark reproduction of their 1977 corporate headquarters is available once again for a limited time [along with a view of the original 25 year old sketch for the building]. Other things added for the celebration are a long lost package of futuristic flora in the World's Fair Store, a new OTTO discovery thanks to berserk666 - a glowing red Arco-Portal structure of some kind and a rather secretive chatroom accesssible via the animated images on the first page only. As the club moves into it's second year, they would like to invite all interested parties to come on board - the future looks bright at Comco77 Corporation.

Makkinen's Design Studio  >  11/08
New buildings are up: Three modular residences in one, two and three stories, complete with cactus gardens and set in a future landscape. But there will be more works soon - according to Makk himself, this is "The place to watch over the next couple of weeks".

Bappingedam Village  >  11/08
The village of Bappingedam is really prospering now with the addition of an entirely new part of town called "Vischmarkt", along with at least 20 new blocks of buildings from many designers. Considering just one of those new blocks from NewStyleArchitect contains 8 individual buildings, our heads at the Globe are appropriately spinning trying to keep up with the rapid growth of this village. And because we do get behind at times, it's a good idea to drop by the special Bappingedam section in the Freeland Forum often for up to date information and project previews - stop in there today for example and you'll get an eye-popping preview of Vanderaap's astonishing "Onze-Lieve-Dullemond-Kerk" [Our-Beloved-Dullemond-Church].

BersURK  >  11/07
The latest design to come out of the bersURK studios is the very big and very blue IBM Corporation Building - that is, the Ideas Behind Milk Corporation Building. And we didn't even know there were ideas behind milk.

Big Bubba's Cars + Trucks  >  11/06
We're not sure how they managed to snare them, but Bubba and Clyde now have the most realistic trucks in the SimWorld sitting on their little lot in the sticks. Designed by berserk, these rigs, combos and water trucks come in five colors and are road tested. Stop in while they're not "sleepin, eatin or playin shoes" and they'll even hook you up with christmas tree air fresheners in matching colors. Clyde has also informed us that the cars that disappeared for a spell are back on site as well.

Makkinen's Design Studio  >  11/03
Makk has built three new buildings to brighten up your cities and has added some good links to his links section. He's also looking for custom orders on future buildings, so drop by and place an order.

Bappingedam Village  >  11/03
Ten new customs packages are available in the 17th, 18th and 19th century sections. Loads of windows and a handful of props await you.

Ntropolis' Buildings  >  11/03
This just in: a new Burger King with all new details and a new skyscraper with more new details - from Ntropolis - Hurry in today!