City Limits
Freeland City Globe News Archives  |  October 2002

The Eye Candy Store  >  10/29
The Eye Candy has expanded to include cities: two starter towns and two terrains have been added - and all four are chock full of cash. Added to the entryway is the Say Club Collection of Korean details and storefronts. Thanks goes out to one of our top referring sites,, for making available the wonderful views of South Korean streets and architecture used in these details.

FMoA: Southern Wing  >  10/29
It's about "Time". This month at the Freeland Museum of Architecture: Southern Wing, eduarqui discusses the concept of time as it relates to architecture and urban design in two essays entitled, "The Spirit of Time" and "Time in Motion". As he puts it in the first essay, "The Spirit of our Time is looking for Freedom, without fears, and so this confidence appears in many forms by uncommon and enthusiastic architecture of new masses and lines..." [eduarqui is a professor of Architecture and Urban Design in Brazil]

The Twilight Zone @ Comco77  >  10/29
The ongoing interpretation of the sci-fi classic, "Things To Come", has now advanced to the fourth chapter: "Promises in the Air". With this short essay, eduarqui brings us closer to understanding the story behind the design of "Everytown" - his city based on the story - to be available at the Future [of course].

Freeland Library  >  10/27
The latest tutorial to hit the shelves is one on creating cloudy paint tiles in photoshop. Also added by couchpotato [our Head Librarian and SimCity lifer], is a new section to be devoted to SimCity 4 help and information files. Although the sequel is still months away, it's time to start laying the foundation for what will no doubt be the ultimate resource for SimCity 4 help files on the net.

Halloween in Freeland  >  10/26
There's always something odd going on in Freeland, but especially during the Halloween season - each day leadng up to October 31st, the spooky hunters in town will be searching for the odd, unusual and downright creepy so that you know where to go get your share of tricks and treats while visiting. Look for these finds along with a look back at last year's tour at the City Limits...and beyond.

Bappingedam Village  >  10/22
Several customs have been added over at Bappingedam, including 18th century gable props, 19th century neo-renaissance details, roof props with small chimneys as well as small gate props.

Ntropolis' Buildings  >  10/22
There were a few updates announced tonight over at Ntropolis Freeland Headquarters: Two new homes, one new commercial building (a garage) and one new detail pack (windows and doors). Stop by the special forum at Ntrop's site while you're there and make a request.

BersURK  >  10/22
The Freeland Coliseum has been built and will be hosting the Monday Night Football game next week between the Freeland Freagles and the Old Town Midgets. Check out a replica of the stadium in the "other" section of BersURK's and don't forget to cheer on the home team. [simvegas line: Freeland favored by 33 points]

Freeland Library  >  10/22
Couchpotato has added a couple of tutorials to the Library entitled "Fixing Details After Reduction" and "Making those paint tiles seamless". The first lesson will come in handy if you've been making your own details, but have wound up with blurry or dull results and the second one is for those who want to make their customs paints fill a surface like the maxis paints do.

FredEx  >  10/20
C&J Logistics would like to welcome all Freeland residents to the Grand Opening of their new multi-million dollar package sorting facility. This facility is known as The Fredex C.A.C.H Hub. (Comanchetown Area Consolidated Hub) and is as large as 20 city blocks. This facility is capable of sorting 250,000 - 500,000 packages per hour via a network of automated conveyer and scanning devices. It has about 80 dock doors - 31 of which are for unloading - and a large number of trailer stalls. Along with this mega-landmark comes prop replicas of the entire Fredex fleet of trucks.

Back To School Competition  >  10/20
The remaining fourteen entries to the Back To School Competition are now available as landmarks so you can "macadamize" your own cities. Once again, thanks to all who participated in this FMoA event.

Bappingedam Village  >  10/19
Many new buildings by Vanderaap, NewStyleArchitect, LadyLettuce, Mimita and Cathmelar have been added to the ever-growing Village of Bappingedam - these updates are listed in the City section. Don't forget to grab the latest version of the Village itself while you're there or these newest landmarks won't show up when you open up your game. Just a reminder and an invitation - there are hundreds of customs to find there too if you are interested in contributing to the project - and it doesn't matter if you've never built a Dutch building - give it a shot and put your mark in this wonderful village. Lastly, be sure to check the Bappingedam section at the Freeland Forum for regular updates and good conversation.

Freeland Statuary  >  10/19
A statue of Pegasus has arrived in the Berserk's work section and it is available in three different materials: chrome, marble and stone.

BersURK's  >  10/19
Reticulating Spline Manufacturing has been built and is now located in the "Other" section of Berserk666's sc3urk site - as far as the name is concerned - your guess is as good as ours.

Big Bubba's Cars + Trucks  >  10/19
After being closed for the last couple of months, the famous used truck and car dealers have reopened - and with some fancy remodelling at that - it looks like their car area is still under reconstruction though so we recommend steering clear of there for now.

Back To School Competition  >  10/18
The Visitors to Freeland have decided on the winner of the Back To School Competition and it is Entry #12 by SirCarl. The new school and bonus parking lots are available for download now [in landmark form], with the other entries scheduled to be available by the end of the weekend. There is also a car wash being held in the parking lot of the old Macadam High this Saturday to help pay for all of those fancy birch trees that SirCarl put in his design. (Congratulations to the winner, as well as everyone else who participated)

Freeland Redevelopment Projects Inc.  >  10/15
There's a new business in town that has an unusual twist - instead of offering customs or new buildings, it's owner is offering a service - the restoration/renovation of your buildings - a concept apparently inspired at least in part by the current Back To School Competition. Freeland welcomes "Ian" and wishes him well in this endeavor. So please head on over, send him a project or two and see what he can do.

Ntropolis' Buildings  >  10/15
A new residence, another set of details and a Freeland Showroom mark this latest update from one of Freeland's newest member businesses - additionally, if you have any questions or comments for Ntropolis, you can usually find him hanging out in the Freeland Forum - that is when he's not hard at work of course.

Back To School Competition  >  10/09
The Freeland Museum of Architecture has set up an exhibition and voting booth in the cafeteria of the current Macadam High School for visitors to review and choose the project you think will be the best choice for a new and improved school and grounds. There are fifteen entries and you only get one vote, so take your time as  the decision may not be easy - fortunately you have until Friday, October 18th to make that decision. If you are not familiar with the project guidelines, please visit here for a quick review. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this event - the students of Macadam High appreciate your effort!

Bappingedam Village  >  10/06
The little Dutch Village isn't so little anymore as new buildings are being constructed everyday and have been since the project began three weeks ago. What started out as a small town center has now branched out in all directions as the north, west and south areas develop with buildings created by DJTurkey, Dullemond, Lady Lettuce, NewStyleArchitect, Oppy and Vanderaap. Be sure to visit the special Bappingedam section in the Freeland Forum for continual updates to this ever-changing, always-expanding collaborative project as well as to see how you can join in and add your own Dutch touch to the Village.

Freeland Mini-Golf  > 10/06
Just in time for the peak Autumn Mini-Golf Season, the Largest Miniature Golf Course in the SimWorld is finally complete with holes 61 through 86 now ready. Along with the holes are the last of the customs and several buildings - the Souvenir Shop, Coffee Corner, Main Entrance, a Sushi Cafe, a park and a mess of fillers. Lastly, don't forget to take in the view of the entire course - it's an amusement park of a mini-golf course stretched out across many acres in the lush woodlands of Southwest Freeland! If you go, parking is limited, so shuttle buses are being provided and leave from both Visitors Centers every hour on the hour.

Freeland Statuary  >  10/06
New works by berserk - a pair of mermaid and a pair of lion statues, along with a modern art piece dreamed up by oppy in BAPform and reconstructed by dullemond in propform, are in the yard at the statuary this sunday.

NoVaJoy Homes  >  10/03
The latest collection from NoVaJoy Homes is called "International Boulevard" and is made up of thirteen  blocks, containing almost 30 well built homes with nicely landscaped yards, along with playground and park areas suitable for dog walking and evening strolls. Hurry over right away, as this unique boulevard is being bought up quickly.

Freeland Eye Candy Store  > 10/03
Ever leave Freeland with a ton of zipfiles and not enough time to unzip all of them? Fret no more, for a link has been added at the Eye Candy that takes you to a free downloadable program that can unzip a ton of zipfiles all at once: Xtractor Plus. Thanks goes out to Couchpotato for the time-saving find.

Freeland City Guide: Restaurants  >  10/01
Some 25 restaurants, pubs and fast food joints in Freeland are now conveniently listed in the second installment of the FCG - please take this time to acquaint yourself with the many culinary choices Freeland has to offer.