City Limits
Freeland City Globe News Archives  |  August 2002

Walter's Windowrama  >  08/30
If it's Friday it must be time for another Anthology from the Windowrama. For the fifth week in a row, sf barry and his stafforama have added three sets to the European Showroom - this time from Odessa, Lviv and Salzburg.

Amiliarch's Customs Shop  >  08/28  >  [UPDATED 08/30]
Back from his whirlwind tour of school and summer vacation, Amiliarch has posted a new set of modern blue windows - the first of several more to come by the end of the week. While you're there, don't forget to make a request - he lives for that. [Two more sets have been added to the Modern Blue Series 08/30]

The Oxymoron Invisible Paint Shop  >  08/28
Something strange and unusual has arrived at the Oxymoron as well as something quite elegant - and both are invisible. Head over today and see if you can see for yourself.

Walter's Windowrama  >  08/25
The Fourth Anthology in the European Collection is now available at WW. It contains wonderful windows, doors and architectural details from Arhaus, Karlsplatz and Gdansk and shouldn't be missed.

Freeland Museum of Architecture  >  08/25
The final work of NewStyleArchitect, "Contribute Gardens", is now on display at the newly reopened FMoA. This work by NSA is a gift to the community before he moves on to study architecture in the real world and is one of his finest in a collection that includes everything from Dutch farms to Asain skyscrapers. Along with his gardens is a link to the long lost FMoA Exhibition of Parks from the Winter of 2001, newly rediscovered at the website, "Internet Archive", also know as the "Wayback Machine". The Museum is a re-work in progress - please stayed tuned.

Community Pool  >  08/23
When the residents of Turkey Hell's Kitchen voted on a new park design for their neighborhood, they opted for something a little different and more in keeping with the attitude of the place where Freeland Fats made his name as one of the greatest pool players of all time. The result is "Community Pool Park". The hollow metal spheres are twelve feet in diameter and were designed by local resident fred "stick" free. The park is open from dusk to dawn and chalk is provided free of charge. See it now in the Freeland City Guide.

Freeland Co-Op  >  08/23
Freeland Co-Op Markets has opened a joint Distribution Space with Sparkle Shops Donuts. The new Center built next to the Freeland Metro Grocery Distribution Center [see update below], will have about 500,000 square feet of space. Sparkle Shops will distribute to roughly 100 stores in Freeland & surrounding areas; additionally, Co-Op Markets will operate its Bakery Division from this location, distributing to roughly 200 Co-Op Markets, independent grocery stores and Freeland area Walmart Super Centers.

SimWorld News >  08/20
SAC, the unvacationing webmaster of Gothia, has posted a reminder and a request for everyone to vote for their favorite buildings to enter the HoF Plus because as he has written, "the currently displayed ballot, Hall of Fame Plus July 2002, still lacks votes in order to be valid". The Globe would like to second that request and urge Freelanders and Visitors alike to get out and Vote Today: to HoF Plus.

Freeland Co-Op  >  08/19
Freeland Co-Op Markets has announced the opening of two new Distribution Centers: the General Merchandise DC and the Grocery DC. Sitting on a total of 20 parcels of land in SW Freeland, they now become the two biggest distribution operations in the city by far. The Co-Op also added that they are spending $850 million for new store construction, rehabbing existing stores and fleet maintenance. And despite recent store closings, they plan to open between 5 to 6 stores in the next 2 months.

Walter's Windowrama  >  08/17
The third installment of the European Anthology Series is now available at the 'orama. The three sets are taken from buildings in Ploskovice, Palmse and Tartu. Three more sets to come.

Freeland Twilight Zone  >  08/17
The third installment of Eduarqui's interpretation of the science fiction film, "Things To Come", through his city, "Everytown" is now online. Stop in today to see the future of the past.

Freeland Air Fair  >  08/15
Have no fear, the big pink pig floating over Freeland is not another Pinky the Bunny type of incident - it is simply one of four hot-air balloons visiting our city this weekend for the Freeland Air Fair. The balloons, along with the new Freeland Blimp comes to us direct from Coach's Flying Things Company in Quebec. Check out the City Guide today and download the multi-tiled Air Fair landmark - while you're there, step back in time and visit last year's air show [and grab the props if you didn't then], as well as a couple of other past Freeland Air Events. Lastly, don't forget to drive over to Flealand and pick up the Air Fair props themselves. Have fun and bring your dramamine - and perhaps some eggs if you're flying in the pig.

C&J Group  >  08/14
Word from the head of C&J is that C&J Logistics has reopened with a new break bulk Freight Transfer Facility. The facility will handle all freight coming in and out of the Freeland Metro Area with the primary focus on TL & LTL freight over 150 LBS. Since this facility is not equipped to handle smaller parcel type packages, that apparently will be the next focus of C&J Logistics. Head over now and check out this new huge facility.

Freeland Blimp Tours  >  08/13
A new service is set to take off tonight: Freeland Blimp Tours. First stop: Free Rivers, a city a little north of Freeland - get a FREE ticket now, take in the "breathtaking" views, and grab a downloadable version of the city and a landmark pack while you're up there. As a joint venture between the Visitors Center and the City Planning Department, FBT hopes to bring you to SimWorld Cities far and wide - but they need your help - please consider offering your city to add to the itinerary - see details at the FBT site. In related news, the head of the City Planning Department, Big Bad Red, is still missing and feared abducted permanently by aliens - Area 39 in Free Rivers is currently monitoring the situation. More news as it becomes available.

The Week That Was  >  08/12
Although we here at the Globe were busy not being busy, the last week in Freeland was as active as usual, so here's the quick rundown of updates just in case you missed them:

Novajoy Inc  >  three more houses in the Three Mile Acre Road Collection
Walter's Windowrama  >  the second installment in the European Series
Freeland Farm Renovations  >  details and props from Portugal
Freeland Statuary  >  a new business specializing in columns and statues
Freeland Co-Op  >  corporate headquarters multi-tile for the Co-Op
Oxymoron Invisible Paint Shop  >  the Gated Entrance set of invisible paints

Freeland City Guide  >  08/03
You can now come to Freeland for more than a one day shopping spree - The Freeland City Guide to Lodging is now up. This is the first section of several planned for the Guide, brought to you by the Visitors Center, that will provide you the visitor with the information you need to sleep, eat and play in the City of Freeland. Some of the lodging listed may be familiar, but still others are brand new never-before-seen projects from carlbone, couchpotato, djturkey, fredfree, mimita, phantom and tegrof [thanks!]. The next section to be published will be the guide to dining and the staff at the Freeland City Guide is currently looking for people who would like to build a new restaurant in town and have it featured in the Guide. If interested, please send all inquiries here for more information. No replies will be given before August 11th however, as the staff at the FCG - and here at the Globe - will be taking a much needed vacation this coming week. On that note - look for any Freeland Updates within the Forum [CoC Section] between the 4th and 11th of August. Enjoy your visit to Freeland wherever you decide to stay and have a great week. > fredfree

Llama Lines  >  08/02
Two sites have been added to the Llama's List: Il Paese Dei Sim Italy by Marco Morelli and SC3KU-fx by Douwe Veldhuis. Both sites explore the cutting edge of what one can create in SimCity. At SC3KU-fx, you can learn amazing techniques for tweaking the bridges, tunnels and roads of your cities with the help of detailed graphics. At Marco's site you don't even have to know Italian [although it helps] to know that you have located some unique sc3urks of both long lost and newly created landmarks.

Freeland Mini-Golf  >  08/01
It has arrived. If you have dropped by the mini-golf section in the forum at all in the last two months, chances are you read something about smurfs. Well all of the planning and little blue teasing is over - Mimita's Smurf Golf - that's all 24 holes spread out over 16 tiles, created by 5 designers working in three different countries - is ready to view and download. Thanks goes out to mimita, bzrburns, dullemond, vanderaap and weffito for this wonderful creation - the course within the course - which is now up to sixty holes...and counting. [please allow time for the big picture to load]