City Limits
Freeland City Globe News Archives  |  July 2002

Walter's Windowrama  >  07/31
The 'orama is sporting a new cleaner, brighter look to help kick off its much anticipated European Series. The first Anthology to hit the showroom floor consists of three sets of details from Horovice, Kiev and Boskovice. Look for the second in the series to be added in about one week. Also new today is the apostrophe in "Walter's" - more news as it becomes available.

NoVaJoy Homes  >  07/30
Three more homes are now listed at NoVaJoy, with the promise of three more to be added soon. Drop in now and later for some good ole easy country living.

Freeland Mini-Golf  >  07/28
There's a giant chess board, a two-headed dragon and a par 8 from AITM that probably should be a par 18 - those are just details from three of the designs included in this next set of mini-golf holes - that brings the running total to 36 holes in our not so modest quest to create the Largest Mini-Golf Course in the SimWorld! The collaboration project runs the duration of the season and all are invited to contribute.

Rein's Dutch Boat Shop  >  07/26
Three classic American boats have pulled into Rein's dock at the Erwtensoep Wharf, including the Freeland River Queen. The big boats come with their own passengers and workers, but can be toured without the crowds while docked [by special arrangement].

Freland Masonry and Restorations  >  07/25
The new line of INRIP products has just arrived and FM&R is holding a big roof sale to promote it. The terrific new toppers come in four unique Victorianesque designs and in four tasteful colors - that makes 16 all new well-crafted and stylish ways to make your gable-roofed neighbors jealous.

Freeland Village Shoppe  >  07/24
The flora frenzy continues, this time over at the Village Shoppe - about 20 new specimens from large and shady to "cute" and colorful. The new collection has varieties suitable for country yards as well as urban sidewalks. The Shoppe is located at the corner of Bydalek and Murphy in the heart of Freeland Village.

ACMEART  >  07/24
The Spring Show is officially over and ACMEART has decided not to put up new exhibits during the Summer months; however, various artists are out and about in the city and environs creating small and large scale installations for all you art lovers to enjoy. The first work of the season, designed by oppy [under the name of 7ART], is actually four separate ground-breaking landmarks surrounding an intersection in the middle of nowhere. And when we say ground-breaking, we're not kidding.

Flealand  >  07/23
The Latest News: bzrburns set up a farmer's market with many varieties of plants; artaxis is working out of the back of a car selling off his customs - paints, details and props - ranging from older stuff to futuristic items; samoht set up a tasteful table for his classical details; aaronsdad plunked down his new colorful columns right in the middle of the place; phantom is celebrating christmas in july and the unknown bapper added some mystery with his own details and paints stand. Still plenty of tables available and the Summer is still hot, so please stop by today, join the e-group - it's FREE, get some bargains and set up your own place there while you're at it. Free pony rides for the next 5 to drop in.

Freeland Nurseries  >  07/23
Ten new trees have been planted in the Treeland section of Freeland Nurseries. Thanks goes out to Starbryte of Simfari for the fine flora donation. Also - plans are in the works for more offerings before the end of the summer, so keep your green thumbs ready.

NoVaJoy Homes  >  07/22
MsThingJoy has opened a small realty company in the Farmers Lane Region of Freeland and has listed the first properties available. Entitled The Spring Residential Collection, these nine wonderfully landscaped townhouses and single family homes are inspired by "many homes that can be found in the United States". Stop by today and see if you can find a new place to call your home.

Makkinen's Design Studio  >  07/21
As a member of the Comco77 Futurists Club, "Makk" or "Homer" as he is often called, is known for his ability to get people excited about design of all kinds - now he is opening his own studio here in the heart of Freeland to try and spread his enthusiasm to even greater numbers. The first project on his drawing board is a very sleek Tram Stop. He has also opened up his "Garage" and is offering some fine concept cars for your prop collection.

Freeland Museum of Architecture: Southern Wing  >  07/21
The first section of the reawakening Freeland Museum of Architecture [FMoA] is now open and being curated by Eduardqui, a Professor of Architecture in Brazil. The "Southern Wing", will be devoted to bringing you exhibitions of architecture and urban design within the real and sim world, with the first exhibit devoted to the influence of the "Far East" on the world of architectural design as a whole. In the Arcade section of the site, some initial discussions about urban design models are put forth.

Sim Freeland  >  07/13
After some nasty problems with heavy traffic, our Sims Site, Sim Freeland, is back up and running and reconstructing things to better serve it's legion of Sims fans. New items on-site include fashions for the end of Summer and even some Back to School threads at Sophie Sims and Pinky's Boutique. Head on over to the Sim Freeland main site for more details - and please drop by their forum if you have any questions or comments.

Walters Windorama  >  07/13
The folks at the biggest window showroom in the SimWorld refuse to rest and have added six more sets of wonderful items from Stockton, California. This brings the total number of sets to over 210 - that's an almost countless number of individual details - but that's not all - word is that the 'orama will be having a regular shipment of customs from Europe coming in throughout the Summer.

Collaboration Updates  >  07/10
A quick trip around the city of Freeland finds the members of the Futurists Club debating issues like car-free cities and chocolate cake, while they prepare for the next journey on OTTO; meanwhile, phantom has put up the fourth section of The New Salem Project, dullemond has created some curved paints for Freeland Mini-Golf [the course itself has grown to 23 holes], The Co-Op has become it's own CoC Business and finally, Flealand has grown to 35 members strong with custom addons being added almost everyday. In other news, rumors are spreading fast that big bad red has been abducted by aliens.

Walters Windowrama  >  07/08
The 'orama's head designer, sf barry, apparently got tired of travelling far and wide for new ideas and just walked out his backdoor this time around as the the two new sets of windows and details now on view - some 40 items in total - were found along the Streets of San Francisco - specifically, Haight Street and Van Ness Avenue. Take your own trip there now - flower in your hair not required.

New Salem  >  07/08
The third section of buildings in this large Community Project is now available. This download includes the blacksmith shop, school and community garden, among other buildings. There is still much to be done in the recreation of the village where Abe Lincoln spent his early adulthood according to project guru, phantom, so if you would like to lend some creative help, please drop by the site and contact him.

Medical Campus  >  07/04
The health of sims everywhere will drastically improve as the new and very large Research Triangle Medical Campus gets set to open it's doors this weekend. Newly inducted Maxis Hall of Famer and Freeland Resident, aaronsdad, has created a mega-project of twelve 5x5 tiles, consisting of everything from the medical facilities themselves to parking and parks - nothing has been left out as you will see from the aerial and close-up views provided. The building files themselves should be uploaded to the Maxis Exchange on or about the 4th of July, depending on the functionality of the exchange itself. Time to get sick everyone - we're covered!

Freeland Co-Op  >  07/02
The latest market to hit the Metropolitan Freeland Area is Co-Op Store #3 and is the first to incorporate the popular Freeland take-out eatery, Taco Loco, within the store itself. Brought to you by C&J Group.

Freeland Mini-Golf  >  07/02
Angled versions of the previously released turf paints have been created by couchpotato and are now at the FMG site. New signs by vanderaap are also available.

Vanderaap's BAP Shop  >  07/02
Numerous classical windows, doors, architectural details and even the brick paint used in v-app's recent project, the Hotel Dudok van Heel, are available today along with several interesting thatched roof props created for the forthcoming Freeland Mini-Golf Souvenir Shop.