City Limits
Freeland City Globe News Archives  |  May 2002

C&J Group  >  05/28
The Freeland Co-Op Markets Project is in full swing with the building of a second distribution center and four new stores, including one by guest contributor, mimita. New signs and trucks are also on site if you would like to join in on this collaborative effort. Logos for future Co-Op Convenience and Drug stores to be built throughout the Freeland area are available as well. Please visit the Freeland Forum if you have any questions about the project.

Freland Masonry and Restorations  >  05/22
Maxine Freland's Historic Restorations has merged with Freeland Masonry and Ironworks to form the new FM&R. To accomodate the expanded and combined inventory, C&J Properties was hired to build two new facilities situated in the new I-88 Commerce Zone. The new venture has a brand new website as well - promising new items - soon.

Llama Lines: Tegrof's Expo Site >  05/21
There's a new SimCity Site by Tegrof, which will display his recreation of the 1967 Montreal Exposition. Last Friday, he uploaded the first grouping of about 15 Pavilions to the Maxis Exchange [here], but will be presenting additional works at his new site, along with the customs that went into creating them - first up is the Monorail System that connects all of the expos and plazas.

Freeland Twilight Zone  >  05/20
This is the second excerpt from Eduarqui's presentation of his city, Everytown. This urban utopia set in 2036 is based on the 1936 science fiction film, Things To Come, with this chapter focusing on a district called, Oppy's Penninsula. The city itself - along with many of the landmarks used in the design - will be made available as the story progresses.

Comco77  >  05/18
OTTO has been out finding the future again: six assorted structures discovered by new HOF member and Futurists Club Founder, Artaxis, along with a few finds that almost take us back to the world of the SC2k future.

Murphy's Chatroom  >  05/16
Come to a Special Chat Event at Murph's this Sunday, May 19th at 5PM EST [Boston time] and talk about SimCity 4 with fellow SC enthusiasts awaiting news from the E3 Convention on May 22nd. The event will mark the opening of the New SC4 Room in the Pub and is co-sponsored and hosted by our friends at Gothia. Hope to see you there!

HOFTOWN  >  05/12
Last week seven Bappers were added to the official SimCIty Hall of Fame. As a tribute not only to their significant talent and BAPping success, but to their contributions to Freeland as both visitors and members, we humbly offer you and them, HOFTOWN: a 4x4 "mini" park.

Vanderaap's BAP Shop  >  05/12
Another big update at V-app's Shop: as usual, most new items are centered around his recent building projects [realworld buildings in the Netherlands] and include architectural details & paints, painter props, a statue, fruit trees, balconies, chimneys, roofing tiles, awnings and curved paths. All of this is coupled with thoroughly detailed documentation of the historic structures which V-apps has recreated.

C&J Group  >  05/09
The Freeland Cooperative Grocery Distribution Center is now up and running in the city, so can the Co-op Grocery Stores be far behind? Carlbone at C&J encourages you to download the logos as well as the trucks [available at Gemika's Realty] and help create a chain of Co-ops for Freeland and your own cities - more details in the Forum.

New Salem Project  >  05/09
The first section of this collaborative project headed by Phantom is now available. This Visitor Center Pack includes the center itself, gift shop, McDonalds and parking areas. Keep informed about New Salem for SimCity inside a special section setup inside the Freeland Forum.

Roadworks  >  05/09
A couple of weeks ago, the acmeart roadworks crew went out on a little journey and in part, documented a visit to our sister city of Freeland, Pennsylvania. This special gallery was setup as a small Realworld diversion from your Simworld activities - look for more from this roadworks tour soon.

The Stadium Shoppe  >  05/07
Today marks the Grand Opening of Erik Mesa's Stadium Shoppe here in Freeland and many of the Simworld's star athletes have come out to celebrate the big occasion. The first business of its kind in Freeland, the Stadium Shoppe will be the home turf of all of Erik Mesa's excellent sports projects as well as the collected works of the original Sim-Stadium Master, Carmensdad. A stadium exchange is also set up so that others can contribute to the Shoppe, as well as an intriguing and very promising "Build Your Own Stadium" section, tons of team logos and even a sports talk BBS. We here at the Globe are honored to have Erik in our city and wish him nothing but the very best of luck with all of his efforts in Freeland. [Visit today and receive a free bobblehead Erik with every stadium purchase!]

Big Bubba's  >  05/04
Somehow Clyde and Bubba have gotten ahold of a gen-u-ine Bentley and the famous Batmobile from the old TV Series, Batman. Along with these two rare finds, you can hook up to a new storage trailer as well.

C&J Group  >  05/03
Chicago Cold Storage has been added to the public warehousing section of C&J. Future expansion plans have been announced as well.

Llama Lines  >  05/03
Take a trip to Gothia and nominate your favorite buildings from the SimCity 3000 era - the gang there hopes to compile a list of the Top 25 as chosen by you the public - the voting takes place inside the Forum there.

April 2002 Update Archives