City Limits
Freeland City Globe News Archives  |  September 2002

Back To School Competition  >  09/30
The deadline for entries has arrived and the students of Macadam High School thank everyone who sent in their projects - visitor voting will take place as soon as an exhibit of the designs is completed.

Freeland Co-Op  >  09/29
The Co-Op has announced the opening of another franchise - Freeland Buckland - a discount dollar store. The first store is a small store on the edge of Macadam and serves as a pilot test store to determine the viability of this low-end retail concept within Freeland. If you are interested in operating your own Buckland store, please contact the C&J Group in the CoC section of the Freeland Forum.

Ntropolis' Buildings  >  09/28
The Freeland Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce it's latest member business: Ntropolis' Buildings. With a collection of over ten buildings, including Target, Pizza Hut and a Ford Dealership, Ntropolis is getting off to a fast start. He also has available his first package of details - can props be far behind? Welcome to Freeland Ntropolis!

A City Asleep?  >  09/28
The entire population of Freeland awoke this morning wondering if they had been asleep for two weeks. This strange feeling cannot be explained by even the smartest clockologists, so who are we at the Globe to try and figure it out. We'll let you know though if the mystery is ever solved...

Bappingedam  >  09/14
This latest community project is a fictional authentic-looking Dutch Village and is well underway, but is now open to any and all contributors. So far in the town of Bappingedam there are almost twenty beautiful new buildings and squares created by the four Dutch bappers who have started and developed the project to this point [dullemond, vanderaap, ladylettuce and roopanop]. Along with these landmark buildings, there is also an expanding collection of props available in the examples section, which include humanos, animals, roof elements and other assorted objects. Also in that section are pictures of Dutch buildings to help those of us who would like to contribute, but have no idea where to begin. Finally, a new section has been set up in the Freeland Forum for obtaining additional help from the originators themselves. So please visit Bappingedam today, download the city, plug-in the landmarks, get inspired and add your own Dutch touch to this wonderful little but growing Village.

New Salem  >  09/07
One of the more anticipated collaborative building projects is now complete and available. After a tireless stretch run by the project guru, you can now take home the entire village that was Abe Lincoln's boyhood home - that's 32 buildings and 28 path sections. Hats off to all who contributed to it and especially to the guy who not only came up with the challenge, but did the bulk of the work - phantom.

Freeland Eye Candy Store  >  09/07
The Eye Candy Store has been enlarged to include all of the paints from the Paint Shop [closing soon] as well as props and details. New awnings and a sidewalk clock are available for the grand re-opening. But that's not all - couchpotato has also added a links page that has numerous architecture and graphics sites that will help you find inspiration for creating your own eye candy.

FMoA: Southern Wing  >  09/07
Eduarqui takes an admiring look at the USA from his unique Brazilian perspective and writes about learning from its places and territories as we approach the one year anniversary of September 11th.

Walter's Windowrama  >  09/07
Anthology Six in the European Series - made up of three sets gathered from Stolnica, Ursaline and Sophia - is up and ready. According to the newsline we received from the 'rama six weeks ago, this was to be the final Anthology, but while visiting the site today we noticed a sign advertising a seventh Anthology under construction. A bonus? More details as they come in.

Freeland Co-Op  >  09/03
A mega-sized Freeland's Super Center Discount Store has opened in the I-88 Commerce Zone and is having an End of Summer Clearance Sale on everything from lawnmowers to lawn chairs - the truckload of over 50 new outdoor props created by mimita is going fast - hurry in today!

NoVaJoy Homes  >  09/03
A cul de sac of six new homes called Blue Satchet Court is on display at NoVaJoy. The homes range from rustic to high style. Two new props are hiding among the lots if you can spot them.

Back To School Competition  >  09/01
The Museum of Architecture and the Macadam Board of Education announce an open competition to renovate, add to and/or redesign Macadam High School - currently undersized and in need of newer look as well as space. Visit the contest site for more details. All entries due September 30th, 2002.