Starting on January 1st, all Globe updates will be located in the Globe section of the Freeland Forum with this space taking over as the City Globe Archives. This move will allow those who make the updates to directly report them and get valuable feedback at the same time. It will also allow this reporter to take an exciting position at the Freeland Museum of Architecture and catch up on his bug collecting as well. Thanks to everyone for taking time out of your busy days to read this little corner of Freeland - it's been an interesting year and a half bringing it to you, but i trust and fully expect that the new community-based updates will be much more exciting and rewarding to all involved.
Happy 2003!

Dullemond and Bzrburns have built a house called Bappingedam Guild Huis in The Sims Online city of Alphaville and cordially invite any and all Bappers who also happen to be Simmers, to drop by and say hi. If you need directions, please visit the Freeland Forum for further assistance.

After an extended absence, amiliarch has put up 4 new sets of details at his customs shop [located at the bottom of the details page].

DJTurkey SC3kU  >  12/27
As a special holiday treat, DJTurkey has joined the Freeland CoC. His new site has buildings - including some new projects just put up in the last few days, as well as several Gothic details and new church props just uploaded to the Customs Page. Rumor has it that The Frankfurt Project is underway and a contest page is also set up to tease everyone who stops in.

Christmas Parade  >  12/20
We are very happy to bring you a special seasonal present, which was offered as a wonderful surprise for us - a Christmas Parade created by Mimita and Starbryte - complete with festive floats and joyfully colorful houses. All totalled, there are five landmarks and a sleighload of custom props, details and paints for you to take home and unwrap. If this doesn't get you in the spirit, you're Scrooge himself. [Thanks Gals!]

BersURK  >  12/20
Two new castles have been created by berserk666 - at BersURK. The first one is a little starter castle for those of you who don't require much space in a castle - it's only one 5x5. The other one - Castle Örebro, is another one of berserk's mega-castles at a size of 4 5x5s - this one also comes with an eloborate story involving battles, renovations and restaurants. Most importantly, both castles will give you adequate protection as both come with sizeable moats.

Freeland Library  >  12/20
For those of you interested in 3D tools - or think you might be, there is a new tutorial in the latest reading room at the Freeland Library - this one is by berserk666 and is a lesson in creating a simple pine tree in 3ds Max. In still another room, there are some new 3D objects to grab if you're in the mood for turning them into  props.

FREELAND@TWO  >  12/15
Freeland celebrates its Two Year Anniversary today! For the special event, there are a number of downloads and other artistic creations available. These include collages, parks, animations and even a special terrain. Thanks to everyone for their contributions and thanks to all of our visitors and members alike for making these last two years very special!

Brazilian Big Mac and A Tale of Three Cities are the titles of the latest exhibits presented by Professor Eduarqui over at the Freeland Museum of Architecture. In the main Southern Wing, he shows us a RealWorld project by Oscar Niemeyer - a sleek and unusual museum of contemporary art. In the Urban Design Arcade, he exhibits the first of three SimCities in order to present ideas about urban design patterns.

'Tis The Season  >  12/14
Three new seasonal projects are up at the City Limits [thanks for the donations!] as well as the new Winter Rec Center for the Freeland Forum and additional tree props [added a couple of days ago].

Another new BAP site has come online - this one by DJTurkey - a BAPper known for his range of traditional and modern buildings. Like most new sites [and ones that are almost two years old], it is still under construction, but plans call for having customs and a Frankfurt collection, along with a general section for buildings. Stop by, sign the guest book and get the first two projects available. Freeland wishes DJTurkey well with his new site!

A new BAP site by Fedge88 opened its doors earlier this week. Although still in the middle of construction, it already contains some quality buildings presented in "six-packs" and organized by building type. As of this writing, you can pick up some industrial, commercial and residential properties to go. We at the Globe wish Fedge88 well!

'Tis The Season  >  12/07
Freeland is dragging out the oldies but goodies holiday stuff, as well as offering the first new items for this festive time out at the City Limits - Pick up your "Trees For Sale" now and look for new items to be offered throughout December.

The FCG continues to grow with three additions to its Local Landmarks section - Mrs. C's Antique Shop and The Co-op Propyard - which are from Couchpotato and are new to the site - and the "Big Blue" Water Tower - which is old, but long since buried in the Globe Archives - until its recent appearance on a RealBuys T-shirt that is.

BersURK  >  12/05
The largest Castle in Freeland [and probably the only one], has been rediscovered and is now in sc3urk form over at berserk's BersURK site. It consists of nine 5x5 tiles and at around 2.7 megs zipped - it may be the largest file in Freeland as well.

From our Better Late then Never Bureau - an update first sent to us almost four days ago regarding the now Simfamous Village of Bappingedam [it's on a postcard!] - another incredible amount of high quality buildings has been built - too numerous to even count [we at the Globe are trained in words, not math] - by the best bappers from around the SimGlobe. Visit today. Contribute today. Forgive us today.

In case you missed it, our friends at Gothia have not only changed their site design, but have a new address as well. Stop in to see the cool new digs, enter a contest [see article below] or just drop in to get on SAC's case about his ever-present black cap. Whatever the reason you visit, you can't go wrong at Gothia.

Scene@SimCity  >  12/01
The FMoA, in conjunction with the City Globe, is reviving its S@SC feature from the Summer of 2001, to help keep you updated on projects found at the official Maxis SimCity Site that we think deserve some extra attention. Today's focus is on the recent work of andrew456k - he has added almost thirty libraries to his already fine collection of traditional American civic buildings - which include Fire Stations, a Community Center and a Central Post Office, along with a number of schools. If you have seen a project or a body of work that you think we should take a look at, please drop us a line. Future S@SC features will appear at the Freeland Museum of Architecture.

A new format is in place and two new cities have been added to the dusty exhibition space of the FCPD. Each month the department hopes to bring you three new cities - and starting next February, the first and finest cities and terrains created in SimCity 4.

A small customs update has been announced: 17th century: small gable props. 18th century: Westermarkt 1 gable props, Damrak 36 details and gable prop, lower front details. 19th century: Roof props with dormers (shaded side). It has also come to our attention that the first sc3urks are arriving in the quaint Village, causing us to wonder if parts of Bappingedam will now be known as Sc3urkingedam.


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